Home Composers Nikolaos Lavdas

Nikolaos Lavdas

Short bio Nikolaos Lavdas

Birthday: 1879
Died: 1940

Full biography Nikolaos Lavdas

photo Nikolaos Lavdas

Nikolaos Lavdas (1879-1940) was a Greek conductor, composer, and educator who founded and directed the Athenian Mandolinata, one of the oldest music ensembles in Greece. He was born and raised in the island of Andros, Greece, and showed an early talent in music that led him to study the mandolin, guitar, and music theory in Athens.

Lavdas gained recognition as a composer and conductor in Athens, and in 1928 he founded the Athenian Mandolinata, which became one of the most popular and influential music groups in Greece. Lavdas composed and arranged works for the mandolin orchestra, many of which were inspired by Greek themes and traditions.

In addition to his work with the Athenian Mandolinata, Lavdas was a respected music educator who taught at the Athens Conservatory. He also composed works for other instruments, such as the violin and the piano, and collaborated with other notable Greek composers and musicians of his time.

Lavdas passed away in 1940 at the age of 61, leaving behind an enduring legacy in the Greek music scene. Today, his compositions are still performed by the Athenian Mandolinata and other ensembles, and he is remembered as a pioneer and innovator in Greek music.

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