Home Composers Maria Teresa Agnesi Pinottini

Maria Teresa Agnesi Pinottini

Short bio Maria Teresa Agnesi Pinottini

Birthday: 1720
Died: 1795

Full biography Maria Teresa Agnesi Pinottini

photo Maria Teresa Agnesi Pinottini

Maria Teresa Agnesi Pinottini was an Italian composer of the Baroque era who was born on October 17, 1720, in Milan, Italy. She was the eldest daughter of Pietro Agnesi, a wealthy mathematician, and Maria Teresa Castellani, a music teacher. Her family recognized her musical talent early on, and she began studying under the best music teachers in Milan.

Maria Teresa Agnesi Pinottini composed sacred music, operas, and instrumental pieces, and she was known for her soprano voice, which was highly praised by her contemporaries. She often collaborated with her sister, Maria Gaetana Agnesi, who was a well-known mathematician and linguist.

Pinottini's music was influenced by the works of other famous composers of her time, such as Johann Sebastian Bach and Georg Philipp Telemann. However, her music had a unique quality that set it apart from these composers. Her compositions were known for their complexity and virtuosity and had an emotional depth that was rare for music of that era.

Despite being a successful composer, Pinottini faced many obstacles in her career as a musician. In a male-dominated society, women were not allowed to perform in public, and their voices were often overlooked. Moreover, her father's disapproval of her career as a composer limited her opportunities to perform and compose.

Despite these challenges, Maria Teresa Agnesi Pinottini continued to compose and publish her music throughout her life. Her works were widely performed in Milan, and she gained a reputation as a talented composer in her own right.

Today, Pinottini's music is celebrated for its originality and sophistication. Her compositions continue to be performed and recorded by musicians around the world, making her an important figure in the history of Baroque music.

Compositions featuring Maria Teresa Agnesi Pinottini

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Sonata for harpsichord in G major 7:26 min Keyboard -
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