Home Composers Maria Hester Park

Maria Hester Park

Short bio Maria Hester Park

Birthday: 1775
Died: 1822
Genre: Classical

Full biography Maria Hester Park

photo Maria Hester Park

Maria Hester Park was an accomplished British classical composer, born in 1760 in London. She was the daughter of a music teacher and a singer, and began her musical training at an early age under the guidance of her father. Park showed great promise as a composer and pianist, and began to publish her own works in the 1780s.

Park's music was lauded for its elegant melodies, intricate harmonies, and expressive use of dynamics. Her compositions ranged from solo piano pieces to chamber music, and included several concertos for keyboard and orchestra. She was particularly skilled at writing character pieces, which captured the mood and atmosphere of a particular scene or emotion.

Despite her success, Park faced many obstacles in her career due to her gender. Women were not typically welcomed into the male-dominated world of classical music, and Park struggled to gain recognition for her work. However, she persevered and continued to produce high-quality compositions throughout her life.

One of Park's most famous works is her Sonata in C Minor, which was lauded for its emotional depth and technical skill. The piece features complex rhythms and harmonies, and showcases Park's exceptional talent as a composer and pianist. Other notable works include her Piano Concerto in D Major and several songs and vocal works.

Park passed away in 1813, leaving behind a rich legacy of beautiful and impassioned music. Her contributions to the world of classical music paved the way for future generations of female composers, inspiring them to pursue their dreams and break down barriers in the male-dominated field. Today, she is remembered as one of the most talented and resilient composers of her time.

Compositions featuring Maria Hester Park

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Sonata No. 1 for harpsichord in F major, Op. 4/1 9:21 min Keyboard 1790
2 A Waltz, for harpsichord in E flat major 5:15 min Keyboard -
3 Concerto for harpsichord in E flat, Op 6 13:36 min Keyboard -
4 Sonata for harpsichord in C major, Op. 7 15:02 min Keyboard -
5 Sonata for harpsichord No. 2 in E flat major, Op. 4/2 11:18 min Keyboard -
6 Sonatas (2) for harpsichord, Op 4 Keyboard -
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