Home Composers Claudio Pari

Claudio Pari

Short bio Claudio Pari

Birthday: 1574
Died: 1619
Genre: Classical
Period: Renaissance

Full biography Claudio Pari

photo Claudio Pari

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Compositions featuring Claudio Pari

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Il Lamento D'Arianna for 5 voices 28:50 min Vocal Music -

Albums featuring Claudio Pari

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Various, The Consort Of Musicke / Anthony Rooley – Lamento d'Arianna Various, The Consort Of Musicke / Anthony Rooley – Lamento d'Arianna 1990 Deutsche Harmonia Mundi
2 Cover for album: Claudio Pari - Cantores Minores Wratislavienses , Conductor Edmund Kajdasz – Il Lamento D'Arianna. Quatro Libro Dei Madrigali A 5 Voci(LP) Claudio Pari - Cantores Minores Wratislavienses , Conductor Edmund Kajdasz – Il Lamento D'Arianna. Quatro Libro Dei Madrigali A 5 Voci(LP) 1975 Polskie Nagrania Muza
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