Home Composers Marco Uccellini

Marco Uccellini

Short bio Marco Uccellini

Birthday: 1603
Died: 1680 in Forlimpopoli
Genre: Classical
Period: Baroque

Full biography Marco Uccellini

photo Marco Uccellini

Marco Uccellini was an Italian Baroque composer and violinist who was born in Forlimpopoli, Forli in the year 1603 or 1610. He is considered to be one of the significant Italian composers of his time. Uccellini's output mainly comprised secular music for various instruments, particularly the violin. He was known for his great use of technique in writing for string instruments, particularly the violin.

Uccellini's music is characterized by its virtuosic style and complex use of counterpoint. His music was popular during the 17th century and into the early 18th century. Some of his notable works include the "Sonate over Canzoni, Op. 5," the "Opus 4 Sonatas," "Sonate, correnti et arie per camera, Op. 3," and "La bergamasca."

Despite his contributions to music during his time, only a small number of Uccellini's original manuscripts have survived to this day. However, his legacy lives on through the performances of his music by contemporary musicians, such as The Arcadian Academy, Nicholas McGegan, Elizabeth Blumenstock, Katherine Kyme, David Bowles, David Tayler, and Romanesca, Andrew Manze, Nigel North, John Toll. In addition, musicologists and violin students have dedicated their time to studying and bringing Uccellini's hidden music to life.

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