Home Composers Martin Andreas Udbye

Martin Andreas Udbye

Short bio Martin Andreas Udbye

Birthday: 1820 in Trondheim, Norway
Died: 1889 in Trondheim, Norway
Genre: Classical

Full biography Martin Andreas Udbye

photo Martin Andreas Udbye

Martin Andreas Udbye (1820-1889) was a Norwegian composer and organist known for his contributions to the classical-romantic music of Norway. He was born on June 18, 1820, and was interested in music from a young age.

Udbye's compositions include both vocal and instrumental works, with his most notable work being the first Norwegian opera, "Fredkulla." He also composed choral and chamber music, and some of his works were premiered posthumously due to his relatively low profile during his lifetime. It wasn't until the early 20th century that his works began to be more widely recognized and performed.

Udbye was also an accomplished organist and held positions at several churches in Norway during his lifetime. He died on January 10, 1889, at the age of 68.

Today, Udbye is remembered as one of the pioneers of classical music in Norway and is recognized as one of its finest composers of his time. His music is still performed and appreciated by classical music lovers around the world, and his contributions to Norwegian music continue to be celebrated to this day.

Compositions featuring Martin Andreas Udbye

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Fredkulla, opera Opera -

Albums featuring Martin Andreas Udbye

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Adagio In E FlatLars Næss, Oskar Böhme, The Norwegian Opera Orchestra, Heinz Fricke, The Norwegian Opera Brass Ensemble, Neil Dodd – The 19th Century Trumpet Concerto / Concerto In E Minor, Opus 18(LP, Album) Adagio In E FlatLars Næss, Oskar Böhme, The Norwegian Opera Orchestra, Heinz Fricke, The Norwegian Opera Brass Ensemble, Neil Dodd – The 19th Century Trumpet Concerto / Concerto In E Minor, Opus 18(LP, Album) 1986 Aurora (5)
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