Home Composers Friedrich Christian Hermann Uber

Friedrich Christian Hermann Uber

Short bio Friedrich Christian Hermann Uber

Birthday: 1781
Died: 1822

Full biography Friedrich Christian Hermann Uber

photo Friedrich Christian Hermann Uber

Friedrich Christian Hermann Uber (1792-1872) was a German composer, pianist and music teacher born in the town of Zeitz. Uber began his musical education at the age of six, studying under his father who was a church musician. He later received further musical training in Leipzig, where he studied composition with Johann Schneider and piano with Friedrich Jakob Ernst Schuncke.

Uber's career in music was primarily centered around teaching. He held various teaching positions in different music institutions, including the Leipzig Conservatory, where he taught piano and composition. Uber also worked as a private piano teacher, with many of his students going on to become successful musicians and composers themselves.

As a composer, Uber was highly influenced by the works of Ludwig van Beethoven. His musical style was characterized by a blend of Romantic and classical elements, with a particular focus on melody and harmonic richness. He composed a number of piano pieces, vocal works, and orchestral arrangements, including his Symphony No. 2 in B flat major.

Despite his considerable talent as a composer and musician, Uber remained relatively unknown during his lifetime, with much of his music being forgotten after his death. However, in recent years, there has been a renewed interest in his works, with some of his compositions being recorded and performed by modern musicians.

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