Home Composers Ludwig Minkus

Ludwig Minkus

Short bio Ludwig Minkus

Birthday: 1826
Died: 1917

Full biography Ludwig Minkus

photo Ludwig Minkus

Ludwig Minkus, whose full name was Aloisius Ludwig Minkus, was a composer born on March 23, 1826, in Vienna, Austria. He is best known for his contributions to ballet music, and he made his first appearance as a composer in 1853 at the Imperial Bolshoi Kamenny Theatre in St. Petersburg, Russia. Although he was primarily known for his ballet music, Minkus also wrote some operettas and music for ice-skating shows.

Minkus collaborated with some of the greatest choreographers of his time, including Marius Petipa, with whom he worked on ballets such as Don Quixote, La Bayadère, and Paquita. Some of his other notable works include Diana and Actéon, The Pharaoh's Daughter, and The Kingdom of the Shades.

Minkus' music was often criticized for being overly repetitive and lacking depth, but it was also praised for its lively and danceable qualities. His music was a significant influence in the development of classical ballet and helped establish it as a distinct art form.

Minkus remained in Russia for most of his life, but he returned to Vienna in his later years and passed away on December 7, 1917. While he is not as well-known as some of his contemporaries such as Tchaikovsky, he left a lasting legacy in the world of classical ballet and his music continues to be performed and enjoyed today.

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