Home Composers Ambrogio Minoja

Ambrogio Minoja

Short bio Ambrogio Minoja

Birthday: 1752
Died: 1825

Full biography Ambrogio Minoja

photo Ambrogio Minoja

Ambrogio Minoja was an Italian classical composer who lived from 1752 to 1825. He was a music professor and was also known for his writing on vocal music. Minoja's compositions are largely in the classical style, and he wrote operas, sacred music, and instrumental pieces.

Minoja is perhaps best known for his opera "In Babilonia", which premiered in Venice in 1781. The opera was based on a libretto by Giovanni Bertati and was praised for its musical style and dramatic structure. Minoja's other works include "Atenaide" (1784), "Giovanna d'Arco" (1796), and "Teresa e Claudio" (1821).

Aside from his career as a composer, Minoja was also a respected music educator and writer. He wrote on a variety of topics related to music, including vocal technique, harmony, and counterpoint. His writings were widely read and highly regarded by musicians of his time.

Minoja passed away on August 3, 1825, at the age of 72. His legacy as a composer and music educator continues to be celebrated, and his works are still performed and studied by musicians around the world.

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