Home Composers Lorenz Lemlin

Lorenz Lemlin

Short bio Lorenz Lemlin

Birthday: 1495
Died: 1549
Genre: Classical
Period: Renaissance

Full biography Lorenz Lemlin

photo Lorenz Lemlin

Lorenz Lemlin was a German composer who lived during the Renaissance period, approximately from 1495 to 1549. He was a prominent musician of his time and is known for his contributions to the development of musical styles of the 16th century. Lemlin was born in an unknown location and spent most of his early years in Heidelberg, where he received his musical training from notable musicians such as Ludwig Senfl and Heinrich Glarean.

Lemlin served as a court musician in several courts in Europe during his career, including the courts of Duke Ulrich of Württemberg and Margrave Casimir of Brandenburg-Kulmbach. One of his notable contributions is as the director of the court chapel (called Hofkapellmeister in German) in Stuttgart from 1524 to 1544. During his tenure as the director of the chapel, Lemlin inspired many young musicians, including Georg Forster and Caspar Othmayr, who went on to become notable composers in their own right.

Lemlin's musical works were greatly influenced by the Humanist movement of the Renaissance period , which emphasized a return to the classical ideals of reason, proportion, and harmony. He is known for writing both vocal and instrumental music, including masses, motets, chansons, and instrumental pieces. Today, some of Lemlin's surviving works include "Fantasie über "Dies sind die heil'gen zehn Gebot"," "Ubi est Abel frater tuus," and "Erbarm dich mein, o Herre Gott".

In conclusion, Lorenz Lemlin was a prominent German composer of the 16th century and a significant figure in the development of musical styles during the Renaissance period. His works continue to be performed and studied to this day by musicians and scholars alike, and his legacy lives on as one of the great composers of his time.

Compositions featuring Lorenz Lemlin

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Der gutzgauch auff dem zaune saß 1:20 min Choral -
2 Der Mai will sich mit Gunst erweisen, song for chorus 2:52 min Choral -
3 Lust, freud then mich vmgeben gar 4:51 min Vocal Music -
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