Home Composers Jacques-Nicolas Lemmens

Jacques-Nicolas Lemmens

Short bio Jacques-Nicolas Lemmens

Birthday: 1823
Died: 1881
Genre: Classical
Period: Romantic

Full biography Jacques-Nicolas Lemmens

photo Jacques-Nicolas Lemmens

Jacques-Nicolas Lemmens was a Belgian composer and organist who lived from 1823 to 1881. He is best known for his works for organ, particularly his famous "Fanfare" and his "Organ School", which is still used as a standard textbook for organists today.

Lemmens began his musical career as a church organist and later became a professor of organ at the Brussels Conservatory. He was also a sought-after performer and gave concerts throughout Europe. As a composer, Lemmens focused primarily on works for organ, including symphonies, preludes, and fugues.

In addition to his music, Lemmens was also known as a pioneering teacher and pedagogue. He wrote several instructional textbooks for the organ and developed a new system of organ playing that emphasized technical proficiency and artistic expression. His teaching methods had a profound impact on the development of organ performance and are still studied and practiced today.

Overall, Jacques-Nicolas Lemmens was an important figure in the world of organ music and a significant influence on the development of the instrument and its performance.

Compositions featuring Jacques-Nicolas Lemmens

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Walpurgisnacht, for harmonium 5:29 min Keyboard 1886
2 Rêverie, for harmonium 1:53 min Keyboard 1867
3 Berceuse, for harmonium 4:32 min Keyboard 1867
4 Nocturne, for harmonium 3:24 min Keyboard 1864
5 Invocation, for harmonium 5:02 min Keyboard 1864
6 Hosannah!, etude for organ (L'École d'Orgue, Part 2, No. 25) Keyboard 1862
7 Prière in E 3:36 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
8 Cantabile in B minor 4:59 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
9 Triumphal March, for organ 4:05 min Keyboard -
10 Symphonie concertante for organ Keyboard -
11 Sonata for organ No 3 ("Pascale") 13:45 min Keyboard -
12 Sonata for organ No 2 "O Filii" 17:42 min Keyboard -
13 Sonata for organ No 1 "Pontificale" 9:51 min Keyboard -
14 Solo de Flute, for organ 2:12 min Keyboard -
15 Communion for organ in F major 3:14 min Keyboard -
16 Prélude, Prière & Postlude, for organ 8:47 min Keyboard -
17 Prélude in E flat à 5 Parties 3:51 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
18 Fanfare for organ in D major 3:35 min Keyboard -
19 Prelude á 5 Parties 3:48 min Keyboard -
20 Pastorale in F 5:12 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
21 Fanfare for Concert Use, for organ 3:03 min Keyboard -
22 Laudate Dominum de caelis, psalm 148, for soprano & organ 5:00 min Choral -
23 Fanfare for organ 2:44 min Keyboard -
24 Grande Fantaisie in E minor ("De storm"), for organ 16:46 min Keyboard -
25 Fantasia, the Storm for organ, C1364 (Grand Fantasia in E Minor) 12:16 min Keyboard -
26 Fanfare, for organ 3:10 min Keyboard -
27 Fanfare, Cantabile & Finale for organ 14:18 min Keyboard -
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