Home Composers Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne

Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne

Short bio Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne

Birthday: 1751
Died: 1796
Genre: Classical
Period: Baroque

Full biography Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne

photo Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne

Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne, also known as Moyne, was a French composer born in Eymet, Dordogne on April 3, 1751. He is primarily known for his work as an opera composer, having written several operas during his career. Some of his major works include "Phedre" and "Une Folie." Lemoyne's operas were known for their declamatory style and often involved tragic themes.

Despite his prominence as an opera composer during his time, Lemoyne's success was not immediate or sustained. In fact, it was only after his death that his works began to receive greater recognition and attention. His music was seen as a representation of the evolving operatic style of the time and his contributions to the field helped pave the way for future composers.

Outside of his work as a composer, Lemoyne was also known for his portraits and paintings. In particular, his allegorical portrait "La Vengeance" is considered an exceptional work of art and is housed in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.

Overall, Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne was a significant figure in the history of French opera and made important contributions to the field during his lifetime. While his work may have been overlooked for some time, it has since been recognized as an important and valuable part of the operatic canon.

Compositions featuring Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Phèdre, opera 136:09 min Opera 1786
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