Home Composers Leonard Lehrman

Leonard Lehrman

Short bio Leonard Lehrman

Birthday: 1949
Genre: Classical
Period: 20th Century, Contemporary

Full biography Leonard Lehrman

photo Leonard Lehrman

Leonard Lehrman is an American composer who was born on August 20 , 1949, in Kansas, and grew up in Roslyn, New York. He has a prolific career, having composed over 226 works to date, including 11 operas and 7 musicals. Lehrman is known for his diverse range of compositions, which includes classical, jazz, and musical theater music.

Lehrman's musical works often follow a narrative structure, utilizing themes from literature, history, and politics. For instance, he composed an opera based on the life of Sacco and Vanzetti, an Italian anarchist duo who were executed in the 1920s for a crime they may not have committed. Lehrman's compositions have been featured on various platforms, including TV, films, and stage productions.

Lehrman's musical career spans over half a century, during which he has collaborated with several noted musicians, conductors, and ensembles. He is renowned for his association with the Metropolitan Philharmonic Chorus and the Riverside Opera Ensemble.

In addition to his work as a composer, Lehrman has also earned acclaim as an author, critic, and musicologist. He regularly lectures on music history, theory, and composition and has written several books, articles, and reviews on the same.

Overall, Leonard Lehrman is a multi-talented artist with an impressive body of work and a significant contribution to American music.

Compositions featuring Leonard Lehrman

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Bloody Kansas, for orchestra 0:59 min Orchestral 1976
2 Russian Songs (8), for soprano, bass-baritone & orchestra 24:48 min Vocal Music 1970
3 Passionate Shepherd to His Love, Op 89 3:20 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
4 Three Girld' Love Songs Vocal Music -
5 The Purple Couch 0:58 min Vocal Music -
6 The Journey of life 3:36 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
7 Tell Me, What is Love?, Op 95a Miscellaneous (Classical) -
8 Sonnet to Anne 2:47 min Vocal Music -
9 Remember Me When I Am Gone Away, Op 66 2:17 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
10 Reineke Fuchs Suite for piano 7:48 min Keyboard -
11 An Edith Segal Love Song Cycle, Op 107 5:38 min Vocal Music -
12 Love's Secret, Op 6/1 1:36 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
13 In der Fremd, Op 62 1:29 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
14 If All of the Papers 1:19 min Vocal Music -
15 Eve 1:22 min Vocal Music -
16 Definition of Love, Op 111 1:52 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
17 Conscience, for soprano 2:35 min Vocal Music -
18 An Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Love Song Cycle, Op 112 14:17 min Vocal Music -
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