Home Composers Kiril Makedonski

Kiril Makedonski

Short bio Kiril Makedonski

Birthday: 1925
Died: 1984

Full biography Kiril Makedonski

photo Kiril Makedonski

Kiril Makedonski was a renowned Macedonian composer born on January 19, 1925 in Bitola, Kingdom of Yugoslavia. He studied music in Belgrade and Paris before returning to Macedonia to work as a composer, conductor, and music teacher. He was a prominent figure in the Macedonian music scene for many years and contributed greatly to the development of Macedonian classical music.

Makedonski is best known for his compositions for theater and opera. In 1953, he composed the first Macedonian opera, "Goce," which was performed by the Macedonian Opera and Ballet in Skopje. Makedonski also composed more than 50 works for theater, including music for plays by William Shakespeare and Friedrich Schiller. In addition, he wrote music for films, including the well-known Macedonian movies "The Great Water" and "Miss Stone."

Makedonski was a versatile composer, and his compositions ranged from classical to modern. He often incorporated elements of traditional Macedonian folk music into his works, and his music was known for its strong emotional content and vivid orchestration. He also served as the conductor of the Macedonian Radio and Television Symphony Orchestra and was a respected music teacher, with many of his students going on to become successful musicians.

Kiril Makedonski passed away on June 2, 1984, leaving behind a legacy as one of the most important classical music composers in Macedonia. He was a pioneer in the development of Macedonian classical music and is remembered for his contributions to the field of music both in Macedonia and beyond.

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