Home Composers Andreas Makris

Andreas Makris

Short bio Andreas Makris

Birthday: 1930
Died: 2005

Full biography Andreas Makris

photo Andreas Makris

Andreas Makris was a Greek-American composer who was born on April 5, 1930, in the town of Kechries, near Corinth. Growing up during the difficult years of World War II , Makris developed a love for music at a young age and went on to study at the Athens Conservatory and eventually the Juilliard School in New York.

Makris is perhaps best known for his works for wind ensembles, including his "Aegean Festival Overture" and "Fantasia Hellenique," which showcase his unique blend of traditional Greek melodies and Western classical music. He also wrote for orchestra, chamber ensembles, and solo instruments, and his compositions are characterized by their lyricism, rhythmic energy, and colorful orchestrations.

In addition to his work as a composer, Makris was also a dedicated teacher and mentor to young musicians. He taught at several universities, including the University of Maryland, and was a beloved member of the musical community in the Washington, D.C. area, where he spent much of his career as a member of the National Symphony Orchestra.

Makris received numerous honors and awards for his work, including a commission from the Kennedy Center and a lifetime achievement award from the Greek-American community. He passed away on March 28, 2005, leaving behind a rich legacy of music and a lasting impact on the world of wind band composition.

Compositions featuring Andreas Makris

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Hellenic Odyssey, for orchestra 6:21 min Orchestral 2003
2 Antithesis, for orchestra 7:53 min Orchestral 1995
3 Woodwind Quintet 10:03 min Chamber Music 1993
4 Trilogy, for orchestra 16:43 min Orchestral 1990
5 Fanfare Alexander, for orchestra 2:11 min Orchestral 1980
6 Variations and Song, for orchestra 17:54 min Orchestral 1979
7 Chromatokinesis, for orchestra 8:55 min Orchestral 1978
8 Moto Perpetuo, for orchestra (after Paganini) 4:22 min Orchestral 1977
9 Aegean Festival Overture 11:03 min -
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