Home Composers Giuseppe de Majo

Giuseppe de Majo

Short bio Giuseppe de Majo

Birthday: 1697
Died: 1771

Full biography Giuseppe de Majo

photo Giuseppe de Majo

Giuseppe de Majo was an Italian composer and organist who lived from 1697 to 1771. He was born in Naples and spent most of his life there, composing music for the city's churches and theaters. Some of his most famous works include his operas, which he wrote in the style of the Neapolitan School.

De Majo was part of a musical family, and received his early musical education from his father. He went on to study with some of the leading musical figures of his time, such as Leonardo Leo and Francesco Durante. De Majo was known for his skill as an organist and for his ability to compose in a wide range of musical genres, including sacred music, chamber music, and opera.

De Majo's operas were particularly popular during his lifetime, and he wrote more than 20 of them in total. His music was known for its lively melodies and cheerful character, which made it popular with audiences of his day. Some of his most famous operas include Eumene, Tito Manlio, and Demofoonte.

In addition to his work as a composer, de Majo was also a respected organist and music teacher. He held various positions throughout his career, including maestro di cappella at the Church of Santa Maria degli Angeli in Naples and organist at the Church of San Giovanni a Carbonara. De Majo was an influential figure in the musical life of Naples during his time, and his work helped to shape the musical traditions of the city for generations to come.

Today, de Majo's music is still performed and enjoyed by audiences around the world. His works continue to be studied by scholars and musicians alike, and his legacy as a composer and organist remains an important part of Italian musical history.

Compositions featuring Giuseppe de Majo

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Cello Concerto in F major 11:30 min Concerto -
2 Flute Concerto in G major 12:24 min Concerto -
3 Lo finto laccheo, opera Opera -
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