Home Composers Junkie XL

Junkie XL

Short bio Junkie XL

Birthday: 1967

Full biography Junkie XL

photo Junkie XL

Junkie XL, also known as Tom Holkenborg, is a Dutch composer, producer, and multi-instrumentalist. He is known for his unique style that blends electronic and acoustic instruments and genres, creating a sound that is both innovative and timeless.

Junkie XL first came to prominence in the late 90s and early 2000s with his big-beat electronica albums such as "Saturday Teenage Kick" and "Radio JXL: A Broadcast from the Computer Hell Cabin." He later gained mainstream recognition for his work on film scores, including "Mad Max: Fury Road," "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice," "Deadpool," and "Alita: Battle Angel."

In addition to his film work, Junkie XL has also explored other mediums. He has produced and remixed music for a large number of artists, including Coldplay, Depeche Mode, and Justin Timberlake. He has also composed music for video games, such as "The Sims 2" and "The Sims 3," and for television shows, such as Netflix's "The Umbrella Academy."

Beyond his technical skills and musical talent, Junkie XL's contributions to the industry go beyond music. He is known for his collaborative approach and willingness to push boundaries, whether it be experimenting with new sounds or embracing unconventional methods. With his unique vision and passion towards his craft, Junkie XL has become a notable figure in the music industry.

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