Home Composers Paul Juon

Paul Juon

Short bio Paul Juon

Birthday: 1872
Died: 1940

Full biography Paul Juon

photo Paul Juon

Composer Paul Juon was a Russian-Swiss composer, born on March 6, 1872, and passed away on August 21, 1940. He was known for writing chamber music, especially pieces that involved the violin, his own instrument. He was partly trained in Germany and influenced by folk music, although he did not use actual folk melodies. In fact, his classmate Rachmaninov dubbed him the "Russian Brahms".

Juon's works were widely performed throughout Europe during his lifetime. His style has been described as Romantic, and he frequently used classical forms in his compositions. In addition to chamber music, he also wrote operas and operettas.

Juon's String Quartet No. 1 has been praised by the British critic Edwin Evans as "attractive". He also wrote Rhapsody for Piano Quartet Op.37 and Trio-Miniaturen, Opp.18a, 24a, among other works.

One interesting fact about Juon is that he was in Berlin in 1929 , when a young composer named Kurt Weill and his librettist were starting to make a name for themselves. Though Juon's music was not particularly similar to Weill's, it is intriguing to think about the overlap of artists in the city at that time.

Overall, Paul Juon was a talented composer whose works continue to be appreciated and performed today.

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