Home Composers Louis Antoine Jullien

Louis Antoine Jullien

Short bio Louis Antoine Jullien

Birthday: 1812 in Sisteron, Basse-Pyrennes, France
Died: 1860 in Paris, France
Genre: Classical

Full biography Louis Antoine Jullien

photo Louis Antoine Jullien

Louis Antoine Jullien was a French composer, conductor, and impresario born on April 23, 1812, in Sisteron, France. He was the son of a bandmaster and began his career as a conductor at the age of 15 when he took over his father's band. In the 1840s, he became famous for his concerts in London, which featured large orchestras and popular music, including his own compositions. He is credited with popularizing the musical form of the quadrille during this time.

In addition to his concerts, Jullien was an entrepreneur who developed a music publishing and rental business. He also produced shows and operas and was responsible for introducing many French operas to England, including works by Jacques Offenbach.

Jullien's music was often criticized for being cheap and vulgar, but he remained a popular figure throughout his career. He died in Paris on March 14, 1860, at the age of 47. Despite his reputation, Jullien's influence on popular music and concert culture cannot be overstated. His large-scale concerts paved the way for the modern pop concert, and his use of elaborate stage sets and costumes foreshadowed the modern spectacle of live performance.

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