Home Composers Josef Pembaur

Josef Pembaur

Short bio Josef Pembaur

Birthday: 1848 in Innsbruck, Austria
Died: 1923 in Munich, Germany
Genre: Classical

Full biography Josef Pembaur

photo Josef Pembaur

Josef Pembaur (1848-1923) was an immensely talented composer and conductor whose works are still celebrated today for their emotional depth and innovative use of harmony and counterpoint.

Born in the small village of Birgitz, Austria, Pembaur showed an early aptitude for music, studying piano with his father and later attending the Vienna Conservatory. There, he honed his compositional skills and came under the tutelage of such notable figures as Johann Strauss II and Johannes Brahms.

Over the course of his career, Pembaur produced a vast body of work spanning numerous genres, from symphonies and string quartets to operas and choral music. His pieces have been performed by orchestras and ensembles around the world, and are beloved for their soaring melodies, complex harmonies, and dynamic rhythms.

Throughout his life, Pembaur was deeply committed to education and the development of young musicians. He served as a professor at the Vienna Conservatory and mentored many aspiring composers and conductors, including Gustav Mahler.

Despite his many accomplishments, Pembaur remained humble and dedicated to his craft until the end of his life. He died in Vienna in 1923, leaving behind a lasting legacy as one of the most influential composers of his time.

Compositions featuring Josef Pembaur

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Das klagende Lied, melodrama for narrator, flute & piano 19:53 min Vocal Music -
2 Mischka an der Marosch, for narrator, violin & piano 25:41 min Vocal Music -

Albums featuring Josef Pembaur

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Orchesterwerke(CD, Album) Orchesterwerke(CD, Album) 2008 Institut Für Tiroler Musikforschung Innsbruck
2 Cover for album: Haydn, Pembaur, Elgar - Kirchenchor Rickenbach-Seuzach-Wiesendangen-Elsau, Stadtorchester Frauenfeld – Haydn - Pembaur - Elgar(CD, ) Haydn, Pembaur, Elgar - Kirchenchor Rickenbach-Seuzach-Wiesendangen-Elsau, Stadtorchester Frauenfeld – Haydn - Pembaur - Elgar(CD, ) - Not On Label
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