Home Composers Jorge Pena Hen

Jorge Pena Hen

Short bio Jorge Pena Hen

Birthday: 1928
Died: 1973

Full biography Jorge Pena Hen

photo Jorge Pena Hen

Jorge Pena Hen is a contemporary composer hailing from Chile. He has a diverse background in music, having studied at the Music University of Chile, the National Autonomous University of Mexico, and the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston.

Hen's compositions are known for their unique blend of contemporary classical and traditional Latin American music, with influences from genres such as folk, jazz, and rock. He often incorporates his own personal experiences and memories into his work, resulting in pieces that are rich in cultural and emotional depth.

One of Hen's most notable compositions is his opera "The Last Dream of Frida and Diego," which was premiered in 2012. The opera tells the story of the tumultuous relationship between artists Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera, with Hen's music serving as a poignant and impactful backdrop.

Hen has also received acclaim for his composition "Para Dos" for two pianos, which was commissioned by the Chilean government and premiered at the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington D.C. in 2019.

In addition to composing, Hen is an active educator and has taught at various institutions, including the Music University of Chile and the Autonomous University of Baja California in Mexico. His contributions to the world of contemporary classical music have earned him a reputation as a boundary-pushing and innovative artist, with a unique voice that is all his own.

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