Home Composers Georgs Pelēcis

Georgs Pelēcis

Short bio Georgs Pelēcis

Birthday: 1947

Full biography Georgs Pelēcis

photo Georgs Pelēcis

Georgs Pelēcis is a Latvian composer, born on January 12, 1947, in Riga. He is widely recognized for his beautiful and moving compositions, which often incorporate elements of traditional Latvian folk music. Pelēcis is considered to be one of the most influential contemporary composers of Latvia.

Pelēcis began his musical education at a young age, studying at the Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music from 1969 to 1974. It was during this time that he began composing his own pieces, drawing inspiration from both his classical training and his experiences with Latvian folk music.

Throughout his career, Pelēcis has composed a wide range of works, including concertos, symphonies, chamber pieces, and vocal music. His music is known for its emotional depth and delicate beauty, often featuring haunting melodies and intricate harmonies that evoke a sense of nostalgia.

Some of Pelēcis' most well-known works include his "Concerto for Piano and Strings," "Flowering Jasmine for Strings," and "All in the Past for Accordion and Strings." His music has been performed by orchestras and ensembles around the world and has won numerous awards and critical acclaim.

Pelēcis' love for his homeland and his dedication to preserving and celebrating Latvia's musical heritage are evident in many of his compositions. His music serves as a testament to the power of art to both inspire and connect people across cultures and borders.

Albums featuring Georgs Pelēcis

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Latvian Radio Archive: Georgs Pelēcis(CD, Album) Latvian Radio Archive: Georgs Pelēcis(CD, Album) 2021 LMIC/SKANI
2 Cover for album: Blake, Bussi, Kats-Chernin, Pelecis, Secco, Voogt, Whitbourn, Habemus Quartet, Eduardo Frias, Stamen Nikolov – Whispering Colors(CD, Album) Blake, Bussi, Kats-Chernin, Pelecis, Secco, Voogt, Whitbourn, Habemus Quartet, Eduardo Frias, Stamen Nikolov – Whispering Colors(CD, Album) 2020 Non Profit Music
3 Cover for album: Górecki | Pärt | Pelēcis | Vasks - Tamara-Anna Cislowska, Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra – Into Silence(CD, ) Górecki | Pärt | Pelēcis | Vasks - Tamara-Anna Cislowska, Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra – Into Silence(CD, ) 2017 ABC Classics
4 Cover for album: Pēteris Plakidis, Georgs Pelēcis, Kamēr… – Pelēcis / Plakidis(CD, ) Pēteris Plakidis, Georgs Pelēcis, Kamēr… – Pelēcis / Plakidis(CD, ) 2017 Kamēr mūzika
5 Cover for album: Suiet No. 5, 6, Three Intermezzo, Old Day-book(CD, ) Suiet No. 5, 6, Three Intermezzo, Old Day-book(CD, ) 2016 Not On Label (Juris Kalnciems Self-released)
6 Cover for album: Georgs Pelēcis, Gidon Kremer, Kremerata Baltica – Revelation(CD, Album) Georgs Pelēcis, Gidon Kremer, Kremerata Baltica – Revelation(CD, Album) 2006 Megadisc Classics
7 Cover for album: Georgs Pelecis & Vladimir Martynov – The Correspondence(CD, ) Georgs Pelecis & Vladimir Martynov – The Correspondence(CD, ) 2003 Long Arms Records
8 Cover for album: Górecki • Gubaidulina • Ustvolskaya • Pelécis - Alexei Lubimov, Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen, Heinrich Schiff – Mosaic: Piano Concertos Górecki • Gubaidulina • Ustvolskaya • Pelécis - Alexei Lubimov, Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen, Heinrich Schiff – Mosaic: Piano Concertos 1996 Erato
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