Home Composers Joan Lamote de Grignon

Joan Lamote de Grignon

Short bio Joan Lamote de Grignon

Birthday: 1872 in Barcelona, Spain
Died: 1949
Genre: Classical
Period: Modern

Full biography Joan Lamote de Grignon

photo Joan Lamote de Grignon

Joan Lamote de Grignon (1881-1963) was a Catalan composer and pianist who played a leading role in the cultural life of Catalonia during the early 20th century. Born in Barcelona, he showed his musical talent at a young age and studied piano and composition in his city of birth, as well as in Paris, London, and Munich.

In 1904, he became a member of the cultural society Orfeó Català, which aimed to promote Catalan music and the Catalan language. He became a prolific composer, with a musical style that blended traditional Catalan folk music with other European influences, including impressionism and atonality.

Lamote de Grignon's most famous works include the opera "El Foll" (The Madman), which premiered in Barcelona in 1910, and the ballet "Tirant lo Blanc" (Tirant the White), which premiered in 1918. He also composed symphonies, chamber music, and piano pieces, many of which remain popular in Catalonia today.

Despite the political turmoil of the time, Lamote de Grignon remained committed to promoting Catalan culture and music throughout his career. He was a professor of music at the Escola Municipal de Música in Barcelona and later became the director of the Conservatori del Liceu. He was also a member of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Saint George and a recipient of the Gold Medal of the City of Barcelona for his contributions to music.

Joan Lamote de Grignon's legacy lives on in Catalonia, where his music is still performed and celebrated today. He is remembered as one of the most important Catalan composers of the 20th century, who helped to establish a distinct Catalan cultural identity through his artistic work. So, his contribution to Catalonia's music and cultural life cannot be forgotten.

Compositions featuring Joan Lamote de Grignon

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 La nit de nadal, oratorio Vocal Music 1902
2 Bailes, for piano 1:02 min Keyboard -
3 Cap al tard 3:09 min Vocal Music -
4 El Escarabajo, for piano 0:41 min Keyboard -
5 Endreça 3:06 min Vocal Music -
6 L'Angel de la Son Miscellaneous (Classical) -
7 Larirà-Abril, song for voice & piano 2:55 min Vocal Music -
8 Monocromies 13:45 min Chamber Music -
9 On sou mon Jesús?, for voice & piano 2:10 min Vocal Music -
10 Recordant, for piano 1:33 min Keyboard -
11 Theme and Short Variations for double bass & piano 9:31 min Chamber Music -

Albums featuring Joan Lamote de Grignon

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Rondalla 'Danzas espanolas' para orquestaVarious – The Spanish Classical Music Finder(CD, Promo, Sampler) Rondalla 'Danzas espanolas' para orquestaVarious – The Spanish Classical Music Finder(CD, Promo, Sampler) 1992 Chester Music Ltd.
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