Home Composers Jean-Frederic Edelmann

Jean-Frederic Edelmann

Short bio Jean-Frederic Edelmann

Birthday: 1749
Died: 1794
Genre: Classical
Period: Classical

Full biography Jean-Frederic Edelmann

photo Jean-Frederic Edelmann

Jean-Frederic Edelmann was an 18th-century Alsatian composer, born on May 5, 1749, in Strasbourg, France. He was a famous harpsichordist, pianist, and teacher, as well as a composer. He is recognized as one of the prominent figures in his time for keyboard music.

Edelmann's tragic history involves him being a victim of the French Revolution. During this chaotic period, he became a much-traveled composer and writer. However, he was falsely accused and executed by the guillotine on July 17, 1794.

Despite his short life, Edelmann left a firm imprint on the musical world. He collaborated with Ignaz Moscheles in writing the "Methode des methodes de piano," which was considered a definitive textbook for the piano for decades. He also taught young composers such as Etienne-Nicolas Mhul, who became a famous composer in his own right.

In addition to his celebrated teaching, Edelmann composed various works, including symphonies, chamber music, and keyboard music. Edelmann's music is noted for its elegant and delicate melodies, a reflection of the mood and tastes of his time.

In conclusion, Jean-Frederic Edelmann was a prominent musician and composer of his era, who contributed significantly to the world of music. Despite his tragic end at the hands of the guillotine, his works and legacy remain significant and influential to this day.

Compositions featuring Jean-Frederic Edelmann

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Ariane dans l'Île de Naxos, opera Opera 1782
2 Quartet for 2 violins, viola & keyboard in C minor, Op. 9/2 19:02 min Chamber Music 1781
3 Quartet for 2 violins, viola & keyboard in D major, Op. 9/4 16:44 min Chamber Music 1781
4 Quartet for 2 violins, viola & keyboard in E flat major, Op. 9/1 20:42 min Chamber Music 1781
5 Quartet for 2 violins, viola & keyboard in G minor, Op. 9/3 8:14 min Chamber Music 1781
6 Keyboard Sonata in D minor ("L'invocation spirituoso"), Op. 5/4 8:31 min Keyboard 1777
7 Sonata for keyboard in C minor, Op. 5/3 7:37 min Keyboard 1777
8 Sonata for keyboard in G minor, Op. 7/2 12:42 min Keyboard -
9 Sonata for keyboard in G minor, Op. 6/1 11:44 min Keyboard -
10 Sonata for keyboard in G minor, Op. 5/2 8:31 min Keyboard -
11 Sonata for keyboard in F sharp major, Op. 1/6 11:14 min Keyboard -
12 Sonata for keyboard in F minor, Op. 10/1 10:59 min Keyboard -
13 Sonata for keyboard in F major, Op. 2/2 11:51 min Keyboard -
14 Sonata for keyboard in E flat major, Op. 10/2 8:12 min Keyboard -
15 Sonata for keyboard in E flat major, Op. 7/1 14:12 min Keyboard -
16 Sonata for keyboard in D minor, Op. 6/2 6:07 min Keyboard -
17 Sonata for keyboard in D major, Op. 8/3 5:32 min Keyboard -
18 Sonata for keyboard in D major, Op. 1/3 7:45 min Keyboard -
19 Sonata for keyboard in C minor, Op. 10/3 8:47 min Keyboard -
20 Sonata for keyboard in C minor, Op. 8/1 12:47 min Keyboard -
21 Sonata for keyboard in C major, Op. 6/3 11:51 min Keyboard -
22 Sonata for keyboard in C major, Op. 2/3 11:25 min Keyboard -
23 Sonata for keyboard in C major, Op. 2/1 8:51 min Keyboard -
24 Sonata for keyboard in B flat major, Op. 2/6 11:56 min Keyboard -
25 Sonata for keyboard in A major, Op. 5/1 9:33 min Keyboard -
26 Sonata for keyboard in A major, Op. 1/4 10:02 min Keyboard -

Albums featuring Jean-Frederic Edelmann

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Jean-Frédéric Edelmann, Sylvie Pecot-Douatte – Twenty-One Sonatas For Keyboard(3×CD, ) Jean-Frédéric Edelmann, Sylvie Pecot-Douatte – Twenty-One Sonatas For Keyboard(3×CD, ) 2012 Phaia Music
2 Cover for album: Edelmann, Sylvie Pecot-Douatte – Sonates Opus V & VII(CD, ) Edelmann, Sylvie Pecot-Douatte – Sonates Opus V & VII(CD, ) 1999 Calliope
3 Cover for album: Edelmann, Sylvie Pecot-Douatte – 7 Sonates Pour Clavecin(CD, ) Edelmann, Sylvie Pecot-Douatte – 7 Sonates Pour Clavecin(CD, ) 1998 Calliope
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