Home Composers Jean-Baptiste Morin

Jean-Baptiste Morin

Short bio Jean-Baptiste Morin

Birthday: 1677
Died: 1745
Genre: Classical
Period: Baroque

Full biography Jean-Baptiste Morin

photo Jean-Baptiste Morin

Jean-Baptiste Morin was a French composer born in Orléans in 1677 and died in 1745. He was a significant figure in the development of French cantatas and was the first in France to write cantatas in imitation of the Italians , according to one of the search results.

Morin's works include cantatas, chamber music, and sacred music. He was appointed Ordinaire de la Musique to Philippe , Duke of Orléans, as per one of the search results, and he wrote several pieces for the Duke's private chapel.

Morin's most notable works include "Le Naufrage d'Ulisse," Op. 6, "Cantate IVe a voix seule," and "Regina coeli laetare," S. 53. Morin is also credited with adapting the Italian cantata and mixing it with French musical elements in his composition "The Crossing of the Red Sea."

Overall , Jean-Baptiste Morin was an important composer in the French classical music scene, particularly in developing the cantata form.

Compositions featuring Jean-Baptiste Morin

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Fanfares (4) concertantes 2:28 min -
2 La chasse du cerf 43:23 min Vocal Music -
3 Regina coeli 10:22 min Choral -
4 Suite of Fanfares in C major ("La Chasse du Cerf") 11:32 min Orchestral -

Albums featuring Jean-Baptiste Morin

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Jean-Baptiste Morin, Stefanie True, Ensemble Lautenwerk, Giulio Quirici – French Cantatas(CD, ) Jean-Baptiste Morin, Stefanie True, Ensemble Lautenwerk, Giulio Quirici – French Cantatas(CD, ) 2018 Etcetera (3)
2 Cover for album: Campra, Bernier, Morin, Ensemble Haydn-Héritage – Mottetti = Motets(CD, Album, Reissue) Campra, Bernier, Morin, Ensemble Haydn-Héritage – Mottetti = Motets(CD, Album, Reissue) 1997 Editions Atlas
3 Cover for album: Michel-Richard Delalande - Louis Lemaire / Jean-Baptiste Morin - William Christie - Les Arts Florissants – Petits Motets(CD, Album) Michel-Richard Delalande - Louis Lemaire / Jean-Baptiste Morin - William Christie - Les Arts Florissants – Petits Motets(CD, Album) 1992 Harmonia Mundi
4 Cover for album: André Campra, Nicolas Bernier (2), Jean-Baptiste Morin / Ensemble Haydn-Héritage conducted by Hendrik Bouman – Musique en Nouvelle-France(CD, ) André Campra, Nicolas Bernier (2), Jean-Baptiste Morin / Ensemble Haydn-Héritage conducted by Hendrik Bouman – Musique en Nouvelle-France(CD, ) 1989 REM
5 Cover for album: Ars Musici Basel, H. Purcell, J. J. Mouret, J. B. Morin – Come Ye Sons Of Art / Fanfares / Chasse Du Cerf(2×LP, Stereo, Box Set, ) Ars Musici Basel, H. Purcell, J. J. Mouret, J. B. Morin – Come Ye Sons Of Art / Fanfares / Chasse Du Cerf(2×LP, Stereo, Box Set, ) 1979 Not On Label
6 Cover for album: J-B. Morin - Dir. Jean-François Paillard – La Chasse Du Cerf J-B. Morin - Dir. Jean-François Paillard – La Chasse Du Cerf 1971 Erato
7 Cover for album: Jean-Baptiste Morin, Louis-Nicolas Clérambault, Andrée Esposito, André Vessières, Ensemble Roger Blanchard – Médée - Don Quichotte(LP) Jean-Baptiste Morin, Louis-Nicolas Clérambault, Andrée Esposito, André Vessières, Ensemble Roger Blanchard – Médée - Don Quichotte(LP) - Columbia
8 Cover for album: Morin, Mouret, Corrette, Rameau, Le Rallye Louvarts, Orchestre De Chambre Jean-François Paillard, Jean-François Paillard – La Chasse Du Cerf(CD, ) Morin, Mouret, Corrette, Rameau, Le Rallye Louvarts, Orchestre De Chambre Jean-François Paillard, Jean-François Paillard – La Chasse Du Cerf(CD, ) - Erato
9 Cover for album: Hans Friedrich Von Flemming, Jean-Baptiste Morin, Georg Philipp Telemann, Joseph Haydn, Austrian Tonkuenstler Orchestra, Vienna, Dietfried Bernet – Music Of The Hunt(LP, Stereo) Hans Friedrich Von Flemming, Jean-Baptiste Morin, Georg Philipp Telemann, Joseph Haydn, Austrian Tonkuenstler Orchestra, Vienna, Dietfried Bernet – Music Of The Hunt(LP, Stereo) - Musical Heritage Society
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