Home Composers Franz Anton Morgenroth

Franz Anton Morgenroth

Short bio Franz Anton Morgenroth

Birthday: 1780
Died: 1847
Genre: Classical

Full biography Franz Anton Morgenroth

photo Franz Anton Morgenroth

Franz Anton Morgenroth (1780-1847) was a German composer known for his contributions to chamber music. He was born in the town of Burghaun in central Germany and studied music in Fulda and later in Mainz. Morgenroth eventually settled in Frankfurt, where he spent most of his life as a composer and music teacher.

Morgenroth is best known for his works for string quartet, including his Op. 4 Variations for Violin and String Quartet. He also wrote music for other chamber ensembles, such as his Op. 3 Octet for Wind Instruments. Additionally, Morgenroth composed operas, sacred music, and songs.

Morgenroth's music was well-regarded during his lifetime, and he counted famous composers such as Beethoven and Schubert among his admirers. Despite this, his music fell into obscurity after his death, and it was only in recent years that it began to receive more attention from scholars and performers.

Today, many of Morgenroth's works are available for download on sites such as IMSLP, and his music is occasionally performed in concert halls around the world. While he may not be as well-known as some of his contemporaries, Morgenroth's contributions to the chamber music repertoire remain an important part of classical music history.

Compositions featuring Franz Anton Morgenroth

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Clarinet Concerto in B flat major 18:30 min Concerto -
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