Home Composers Francesco Morlacchi

Francesco Morlacchi

Short bio Francesco Morlacchi

Birthday: 1784
Died: 1841
Genre: Classical
Period: Romantic

Full biography Francesco Morlacchi

photo Francesco Morlacchi

Francesco Morlacchi was an Italian composer born in Perugia on June 14, 1784. He is best known for his opera works, which were highly esteemed during the early 19th century. Morlacchi was a musical prodigy, and he began playing the violin at an early age. He later studied the piano and cello and eventually became a successful opera composer.

Morlacchi's most famous opera is "Tebaldo e Isolina," which premiered at La Scala in Milan in 1822. The opera was an instant success and was performed throughout Europe, earning Morlacchi international recognition. Other notable works include "La Caccia di Enrico IV," "Il Sano di Ripacandida," and "Corrado d'Altamura."

In addition to his operatic works, Morlacchi composed numerous instrumental pieces, including symphonies, overtures, and works for solo instruments. His compositions are characterized by lyrical melodies, intricate harmonies, and a sophisticated understanding of orchestration.

Morlacchi's talents were recognized throughout his career, and he held prestigious positions at several institutions, including the Dresden Conservatory and the Conservatorio di San Pietro a Majella in Naples. He also served as the director of the Imperial Court Orchestra in Vienna.

Morlacchi passed away on October 28, 1841, in his hometown of Perugia. Although his works are not as widely performed today, Morlacchi remains an important figure in the history of Italian opera and classical music.

Compositions featuring Francesco Morlacchi

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 La Rosa appassita, poems (3) for voice & piano 11:17 min Vocal Music 1834
2 Il Barbiere di Siviglia, opera 146:08 min Opera 1815
3 Odi d'un uom che muore, anacreonic for voice & piano 2:40 min Vocal Music 18??
4 Brilla la luna, serenata 2:43 min Orchestral -
5 Il Nuovo barbiere di Siviglia, opera Opera -
6 Il Pastore svizzero, for flute & piano 8:46 min Chamber Music -
7 Il Poeta disperato, opera 76:04 min Opera -
8 Lamento del conte Ugolino (Dante, Inferno XXXIII, vv. 1-79), for voice & piano 16:35 min Vocal Music -
9 Offertorium "Tui sunt coeli" 4:02 min -
10 Saffo in Leucade, lyric cantata 17:46 min Vocal Music -
11 The Swiss Shepherd (pastore svizzero) 5:05 min Miscellaneous (Classical) -
12 Venite a intender, sonetto di Dante, for voice & piano 2:36 min Vocal Music -
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