Home Composers Herbert Windt

Herbert Windt

Short bio Herbert Windt

Birthday: 1894
Died: 1965

Full biography Herbert Windt

photo Herbert Windt

Herbert Windt was a German composer who was born on September 15 , 1894, in Senftenberg, Germany. He is most famous for being one of the most significant film score composers in Germany during the early 20th century. Windt was commissioned to write the music for various films, including the iconic Triumph of the Will, directed by Leni Riefenstahl in 1935. His work on this film is especially notable, as his score helped to create a powerful and emotional atmosphere that underscored the film's controversial political message.

Windt began his career as a composer in the 1920s and quickly gained a reputation for his ability to create moving and evocative musical scores for films. He wrote the soundtracks for various films, including Fährmann Maria (1936), G.P.U. (1942), and Lowlands (1954).

Despite his success as a composer, Windt's association with Leni Riefenstahl and his work on Triumph of the Will led to controversy and criticism. Many people have questioned whether he should have worked on the film, given its association with Nazi propaganda. However, it is important to note that Windt was not a member of the Nazi party and his work on the film was a reflection of his skills as a composer, rather than his political views.

In conclusion, Herbert Windt was a highly skilled and influential film score composer in Germany during the early 20th century. Despite his association with a controversial film, his work on Triumph of the Will remains an important example of the power of music in elevating the emotional impact of film.

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