Home Composers Gui Mallon

Gui Mallon

Short bio Gui Mallon

Birthday: 1953
Active: 2000s
Genre: Jazz,International

Full biography Gui Mallon

photo Gui Mallon

Gui Mallon is a renowned Brazilian composer, guitarist and writer. He was born in 1953 and has made significant contributions to the world of music through his compositions, which are a blend of different genres such as jazz, classical music, and Brazilian folk music.

Gui Mallon is also known for his live performances, which have been recorded and released in the US and Canada. He has worked with several musicians and artists, both nationally and internationally, and his music has been featured in numerous films and television shows.

In addition to his music career, Gui Mallon has also made a name for himself as a writer. He has written several fiction and non-fiction books, which have been published in Brazil and other countries. His writing has been influenced by his experiences as a musician and guitarist, and often incorporates musical themes and elements.

Overall, Gui Mallon is a multi-talented artist who has made significant contributions to the world of music and literature. His work continues to inspire and influence artists around the world, and he remains a respected figure in the music and arts communities globally.

Albums featuring Gui Mallon

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Live At Montreux(CD, Album) Live At Montreux(CD, Album) 2004 Adventure Music
2 Cover for album: Paradise St.(CD, Album) Paradise St.(CD, Album) 2001 Myself Records ☺
3 Cover for album: Brasil, Brazil(CD, Album) Brasil, Brazil(CD, Album) 1997 Myself Records ☺
4 Cover for album: Guitar(CD, Album) Guitar(CD, Album) 1996 Myself Records ☺
5 Cover for album: The Joy Of Guitar II(Cassette, Album) The Joy Of Guitar II(Cassette, Album) 1994 Viking Productions
6 Cover for album: The Joy Of Guitar(Cassette, Album) The Joy Of Guitar(Cassette, Album) 1991 Viking Productions
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