Home Composers Giuseppe Lillo

Giuseppe Lillo

Short bio Giuseppe Lillo

Birthday: 1814 in Galatina, Italy
Died: 1863
Genre: Classical
Period: Romantic

Full biography Giuseppe Lillo

photo Giuseppe Lillo

Giuseppe Lillo was an Italian composer who lived during the Baroque period in the early 18th century. Lillo was born in Naples in 1681 and began his musical career as a singer in the Chapel Royal of Naples. It was there that he honed his skills as a composer, eventually writing operas, oratorios, and cantatas.

Lillo's operas were well-received during his time and he became known for his Sacred Music compositions. He was also known for his collaborations with the librettists such as Domenico Lalli, Metastasio, Apostolo Zeno or Silvio Stampiglia, especially during the 1730s and 1740s.

Some of Lillo's most notable works include his operas like Il trionfo della continenza, La pastorella al soglio, and Nino, ovvero La fedeltà premiata. His cantatas display his remarkable command of Italian Baroque style, and are full of emotion and expression.

Despite his success as a composer, Lillo is still a somewhat obscure figure in music history. However, his contributions to Baroque music cannot be denied, and his music continues to be studied and appreciated by music scholars today. Lillo died in Naples in 1747.

Compositions featuring Giuseppe Lillo

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 La camellia, for voice & piano 1:16 min Vocal Music 1844
2 Invan tentai di spegnere, romanza for voice & piano 1:15 min Vocal Music 1843
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