Home Composers George Linstead

George Linstead

Short bio George Linstead

Birthday: 1908
Died: 1974

Full biography George Linstead

photo George Linstead

George Linstead was an English composer, performer and writer on music. He was born in the late 19th century and was active in the first half of the 20th century. He was associated with the city of Sheffield, where he enjoyed a professional performance of one of his compositions.

In addition to being a composer, George Linstead was also a music critic and ethnomusicologist. He wrote several books on music and was well-respected in the field. Linstead was also a performer, playing the organ at various churches in Sheffield.

There is not a lot of information available about George Linstead's life and work, but he is remembered as a significant figure in English music. His compositions showcased his skills as a composer, and his writings offered valuable insights into the world of music.

Linstead is listed among the English music critics on Wikipedia, alongside other notable figures in the field. Some of his contemporaries, like William Henry Hadow and William Henry Bell, also wrote significant works. While Linstead may not be as well-known as some of the others, his contributions to the field of music should not be overlooked.

Overall, George Linstead was a talented and respected composer, performer and writer on music, and his work deserves to be recognized and remembered.

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