Home Composers Guy de Lioncourt

Guy de Lioncourt

Short bio Guy de Lioncourt

Birthday: 1885
Died: 1961
Genre: Classical

Full biography Guy de Lioncourt

photo Guy de Lioncourt

Guy de Lioncourt was a French composer who was born in 1885 and passed away in 1961. He studied music at the Schola Cantorum de Paris , where he was a pupil of Vincent d'Indy and Charles Bordes. Later, he became a professor at the same school. De Lioncourt's music spans a wide range of genres, including religious, symphonic, and chamber music.

One of his most notable works is the conte lyrique "Hyalis, le petit faune aux yeux bleus," which tells the story of a young faun. In addition to composing, de Lioncourt was also involved in musical education, and several of his pupils went on to become successful composers in their own right. He was known for his attention to detail and his ability to bring out the best in his students.

It is also worth noting that Jacques Berthier, a fellow French composer of liturgical music , was a student of Guy de Lioncourt. Berthier went on to write much of the music used at Taiz , and his name is often associated with the Taize Community, an ecumenical Christian monastic order in France.

Overall, Guy de Lioncourt was a talented composer and educator who made significant contributions to the world of music in France during the early 20th century.

Compositions featuring Guy de Lioncourt

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Clémens Rector, for saxophone & organ 2:24 min Chamber Music -
2 Mélodies grégoriennes (3), for saxophone & organ 4:59 min Chamber Music -
3 Quid retribuam Domino 2:44 min Choral -
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