Home Composers Franz Waxman

Franz Waxman

Short bio Franz Waxman

Birthday: 1906
Died: 1967

Full biography Franz Waxman

photo Franz Waxman

Franz Waxman was a German-born composer and conductor of Jewish descent who lived from December 24 , 1906 to February 24, 1967. After beginning his musical career playing at the Tingle Tangle club in Berlin , Waxman eventually got a break writing songs for Frederick Hollander , a film composer. This led to his being hired by Warner Bros. in Hollywood, where he worked on numerous film scores.

Waxman wrote the music for many classic films, including Rebecca, The Philadelphia Story, Sunset Boulevard, and The Bride of Frankenstein. In fact, he collaborated with Hitchcock on three different occasions. He won two Academy Awards, one for Sunset Boulevard and another for A Place in the Sun. Additionally, Waxman was prolific in the concert hall, writing many serious works in addition to his film scores.

One of Waxman’s most famous pieces was the suite from Sunset Boulevard, which has become a classic piece of film music. He was known for his ability to write music that suited the mood and tone of a particular scene, and his scores were often praised for their artistry and originality. In addition to his film work, Waxman led a variety of musical lives as composer , conductor, and educator.

Overall, Franz Waxman is regarded as one of the most important composers of the Golden Age of Hollywood , and his work has left a lasting impression on the world of film music.

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