Home Composers George James Webb

George James Webb

Short bio George James Webb

Birthday: 1803 in Wiltshire, England
Died: 1887 in Orange, NJ

Full biography George James Webb

photo George James Webb

George James Webb was an English-American composer and hymn writer, born on June 24, 1803, near Salisbury in Wiltshire, England. He emigrated to Boston, Massachusetts, in 1830, where he played the organ at the Old South Church. Webb is best known for writing the tune called "Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus" which he collaborated on with Baptist minister and hymn writer, George Duffield Jr. He was also known for writing other hymns like "I Feel the Winds of God Today", "Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken" and "In the Cross of Christ I Glory."

Webb's best known tune , "Webb", came from a secular song he wrote called "'Tis Dawn , the Lark is Singing"; this song was performed at a musical show on a ship. He continued to write music for religious services and published multiple hymnals throughout his life.

He died on October 7, 1887, in Orange, New Jersey, at the age of 84. Despite his death, his hymns and tunes continue to be sung by Christians all around the world today.

Compositions featuring George James Webb

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Stand Up! Stand up for Jesus! (Tune: Morning Light) 2:35 min Choral -
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