Home Composers Fergus Johnston

Fergus Johnston

Short bio Fergus Johnston

Birthday: 1959
Genre: Classical
Period: Contemporary

Full biography Fergus Johnston

photo Fergus Johnston

Fergus Johnston is an Irish composer who was born on May 21, 1959. He is a member of Aosdána, an Irish association of artists. Johnston is known for his compositions, which have been performed by various orchestras and musicians around the world, including the European Community Youth Orchestra. Some of his compositions are available for purchase on the websites c21musicandevents.eu and babelscores.com.

Johnston has collaborated with other composers as well, such as Grinne Mulvey and Judith Ring. He was also a participant in the Artists Roundtable discussion about the music in Legends and Light Vol. 3, which was published in April 2023.

In addition to his work as a composer, Johnston is an active member of the United Against Racism organization. He is also known for his involvement in events and projects that promote social justice and equality.

Some of Johnston's compositions include piano trios, which were released in the album Dancing in Daylight in March 2016. The album features the works of several Irish composers, including John Buckley, Rhona Clarke, and Seirse Bodley.

Overall, Fergus Johnston is a highly regarded composer who has made significant contributions to Irish and international music scenes. He is known for his unique compositions and his commitment to social justice causes.

Albums featuring Fergus Johnston

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Helmschrott, Constantinides, Ernst, Johnston, Van de Vate - Ruse Philharmonic, Tsanko Delibozov / Violeta Shahanova, Nina Stoyanova – Music From Six Continents: 1996 Series(CD, Album) Helmschrott, Constantinides, Ernst, Johnston, Van de Vate - Ruse Philharmonic, Tsanko Delibozov / Violeta Shahanova, Nina Stoyanova – Music From Six Continents: 1996 Series(CD, Album) 1996 Vienna Modern Masters
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