Home Composers Jim Johnston

Jim Johnston

Short bio Jim Johnston

Birthday: 1959

Full biography Jim Johnston

photo Jim Johnston

Jim Johnston is an American music composer and musician who is best known for his work during his time with professional wrestling promotion ), WWE. He was born on June 19, 1952. Johnston wrote over 10,000 pieces of music for WWE , and some of his famous themes include those of Steve Austin, Ultimate Warrior, The Undertaker and The Rock. He worked as a music composer for WWE Raw and various other WWE productions.

Johnston is a highly respected figure in the wrestling industry and his work has influenced the popular culture of wrestling. He is known for his catchy and iconic entrance themes that have become synonymous with various wrestlers. With over 30 years of experience in the industry, he has become a popular figure among wrestling fans.

In addition to his work in WWE, Johnston has also contributed to various other projects and has worked on several films, television shows, and video games. He has won several accolades and awards over the course of his career, including a Primetime Emmy Award in 2002 for Outstanding Music Composition for a Series, and he has been inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame.

Despite his contribution to the wrestling industry, Johnston parted ways with WWE in 2017. However, he remains an influential figure in the world of music composition and has continued his work in the entertainment industry.

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