Home Composers Emile-Robert Blanchet

Emile-Robert Blanchet

Short bio Emile-Robert Blanchet

Birthday: 1877 in Switzerland
Died: 1943
Genre: Classical
Period: Modern

Full biography Emile-Robert Blanchet

photo Emile-Robert Blanchet

Emile-Robert Blanchet was a French composer who lived from 1877 to 1943. Born in the city of Bordeaux, Blanchet studied music at the Paris Conservatory, where he excelled in composition. He was known for his talent in writing operas, symphonies, and chamber music, which earned him numerous accolades throughout his career.

Blanchet's musical style was influenced by both the Romantic and Impressionist periods, incorporating rich orchestral textures and harmonies. He particularly enjoyed experimenting with unusual instruments and sounds, such as percussion and electronic instruments, which were considered avant-garde in his time.

One of Blanchet's most notable works is his opera titled "La Ville Morte," which premiered in Paris in 1917. The opera was highly praised for its dramatic storyline, beautiful melodies, and innovative orchestration. It was considered a breakthrough in French opera of that time and received widespread recognition.

Blanchet also composed several other works, including "Les Chansons de l'Amour," a cycle of love songs, and "Les Oiseaux dans la Nuit," a symphonic poem based on the nocturnal sounds of birds. His music was frequently performed in concert halls across France and Europe, earning him a dedicated following.

Despite his success, Blanchet's career was cut short by his untimely death at the age of 66. However, his contribution to French classical music remains significant, and he is remembered as one of the most innovative and avant-garde composers of his time.

Compositions featuring Emile-Robert Blanchet

# Name Duration Genre Year
1 Toccata for piano, Op. 107/2 1:42 min Keyboard 1940
2 Rhapsodie Turque, for piano ("Mouharebè"), Op. 51 5:55 min Keyboard 1929
3 Études (2) for piano, Op. 42 Keyboard 1928
4 Barcarolles, for piano, Op. 24 7:53 min Keyboard 1914
5 Tocsin, 3 août 1914, for piano, Op. 28 4:21 min Keyboard 1914
6 Turquie, morceaux (3) for piano, Op. 18 Keyboard 1913
7 Préludes (14) for piano, Op. 10 Keyboard 1909
8 Ballade for piano No. 3 in A minor, Op. 32 5:23 min Keyboard -
9 Etude pastorale, for piano, Op. 107/1 1:40 min Keyboard -
10 Fugue, transcription for piano in C minor (after Bach BWV 575) 5:44 min Keyboard -
11 Nouvelles Études (10) for piano Keyboard -
12 Scherzo for piano, Op. 40 2:34 min Keyboard -
13 Scotch Reel, for piano, left hand, Op. 53/2 3:10 min Keyboard -
14 Sérénade grotesque, for piano, Op. 25/3 3:08 min Keyboard -
15 Theme and Variations for piano in E flat minor, Op. 13 7:51 min Keyboard -
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