Home Composers Clement Liebert

Clement Liebert

Short bio Clement Liebert

Birthday: 1433
Died: 1454

Full biography Clement Liebert

photo Clement Liebert

Clement Liebert was a French composer who lived during the Renaissance period. Although details about his life are scarce, it is known that he was active in the mid-15th century. Liebert was part of the Franco-Flemish school of composers, which was known for its polyphonic style of music.

Liebert's exact birth and death dates are not known, but he is believed to have been born around 1433 and died around 1454. He is mentioned in a number of historical documents, including lists of prominent Renaissance composers.

Some of Liebert's surviving compositions include chansons and masses. His music is notable for its complex harmonies and intricate polyphonic structure, which was a hallmark of the Franco-Flemish style.

Despite the relative brevity of his life and career, Clement Liebert was an important figure in the development of Renaissance music. His work, along with that of other Renaissance composers, would go on to influence musical styles and traditions for centuries to come.

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