Home Composers Thurlow Lieurance

Thurlow Lieurance

Short bio Thurlow Lieurance

Birthday: 1878 in Oskaloosa, IA
Died: 1963 in Boulder, CO
Genre: Classical
Period: Modern

Full biography Thurlow Lieurance

photo Thurlow Lieurance

Thurlow Weed Lieurance was an American composer born on March 21 , 1878, in Oskaloosa, Iowa. He was primarily known for his song "By the Waters of Minnetonka". Lieurance was not only a composer but also a musician and educator. He was educated at the College of Music in Cincinnati and remained an active composer throughout his tenure as Dean.

Lieurance's compositions were heavily influenced by Native American music , and he is often classified as an "Indianist" composer. In addition to "By the Waters of Minnetonka," Lieurance composed many other songs and several large symphonic works throughout his career. His compositions were inspired by the new influx of Native American music that was making its way into popular culture at the beginning of the 20th century.

Lieurance also collected his own tribal material , and he was one of the many composers to contribute to the emergence of "Indianist" music during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. His sheet music covers for Indianist compositions can be found in the archives of the American Folklife Center.

In addition to his work as a composer, Lieurance was also a violinist and an educator. He served as Dean of the College of Fine Arts at Wichita State University and continued composing even during his tenure there. Thurlow Lieurance passed on October 9, 1963, leaving behind a legacy of music that was heavily influenced by Native American traditions.

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