Home Composers Charlotte Alington Barnard

Charlotte Alington Barnard

Short bio Charlotte Alington Barnard

Birthday: 1830
Died: 1869

Full biography Charlotte Alington Barnard

photo Charlotte Alington Barnard

Charlotte Alington Barnard, also known by her pseudonym Claribel, was an English composer and poet who is known for her ballads and hymns. She was born on 5 November 1830 in Lincolnshire, England and began her musical career as a pianist. However, she soon began composing her own music and writing lyrics for her songs, many of which were published and became popular.

Barnard wrote over 100 songs, some of which were performed by popular singers of the time, including Jenny Lind. She was one of the early women ballad composers, and her music was often performed in concerts and music halls. Her most famous song is "Come Back to Erin", which was written in the 1860s and became a popular tune during the American Civil War.

Barnard was also one of the first composers in England to receive royalties for her sheet music sales. She was successful enough in her career to be able to support herself and her family through her music, which was quite a feat for a woman in the mid-19th century.

Barnard died on 11 December 1869 at the young age of 39. Despite her relatively short career, her music had a lasting impact and continues to be performed and enjoyed today.

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