Home Composers Carlos Baguer

Carlos Baguer

Short bio Carlos Baguer

Birthday: 1768
Died: 1808

Full biography Carlos Baguer

photo Carlos Baguer

Carlos Baguer (or Carles Baguer) was a Spanish classical era composer and organist , born in Barcelona on March 1768. He was an accomplished performer and improviser and is known for his works in symphonies, concertos, and chamber music.

Baguer studied music in Barcelona and worked as the organist in the Church of the Holy Spirit in that city. Later, he moved to Madrid, where he took up a position as a chapel master and organist at the Church of the Montserrat Abbey. He composed works for both his positions in the church and for the concerts held in Madrid's public theatres.

Baguer's works were influenced by the styles of Franz Joseph Haydn and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and he was often compared to Haydn in his time. He composed four symphonies, various concertos, and numerous chamber music works, including string quartets and trios. His compositions also included music for solo keyboard, including sonatas and variations, and vocal music, including cantatas and all kinds of religious music.

Baguer's works were forgotten after his death, but they were rediscovered in the 20th century, and several recordings have been made. His music was known for its elegance, balance, and use of elegant melodies, and though it was influenced by the styles of Haydn and Mozart, it is now seen as possessing its unique charm.

In summary, Carlos Baguer was a Spanish classical composer and organist born in Barcelona, who composed numerous symphonies, concertos, chamber music works, and keyboard music. His music was influenced by the Classical period styles of Haydn and Mozart, and his compositions are known for their elegance, balance, and elegant melodies. Despite being forgotten after his death, his works have been rediscovered in the 20th century and have been recorded.

Albums featuring Carlos Baguer

# Сover Name album Year Music label
1 Cover for album: Carles Baguer — Acadèmia 1750 / Orquestra Històrica Del Festival De Torroella, Farran James – Simfonies(CD, ) Carles Baguer — Acadèmia 1750 / Orquestra Històrica Del Festival De Torroella, Farran James – Simfonies(CD, ) 2009 Columna Musica
2 Cover for album: Padre Antonio Soler, Maria Lluïsa Cortada, José Luis González Uriol, Jordi Reguant, Josep Gallés, Narcis Casanoves, Jacinto Codina, Carlos Baguer, Ramón Carnicer – Musica de Tecla Hispanica (1700-1850)(CD, Album, Stereo) Padre Antonio Soler, Maria Lluïsa Cortada, José Luis González Uriol, Jordi Reguant, Josep Gallés, Narcis Casanoves, Jacinto Codina, Carlos Baguer, Ramón Carnicer – Musica de Tecla Hispanica (1700-1850)(CD, Album, Stereo) 1997 Discant (3)
3 Cover for album: Carlos Baguer, Orquesta De Cámara Carlos Baguer, Orquesta De Cámara "Reina Sofia", Gonçal Comellas – 3 Sinfonías 1985 Ensayo Digital
4 Cover for album: Baguer, Jordi Vilaprinyó Del Perugia – Sonatas(LP, Album) Baguer, Jordi Vilaprinyó Del Perugia – Sonatas(LP, Album) 1984 Etnos
5 Cover for album: Carlos Baguer, London Mozart Players, Matthias Bamert – Symphonies(CD, Repress) Carlos Baguer, London Mozart Players, Matthias Bamert – Symphonies(CD, Repress) - Chandos
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