Home Composers Albert Szirmai

Albert Szirmai

Short bio Albert Szirmai

Birthday: 1880
Died: 1967

Full biography Albert Szirmai

photo Albert Szirmai

Albert Szirmai (2 July 1880 – 15 January 1967) was a Hungarian composer and writer , best known for his work in operetta. He was born in Budapest, Austria-Hungary (now Hungary), and wrote music for about 12 one-act plays and over 300 songs for the Budapest and Vienna theaters. He was known for his use of catchy and memorable melodies, and was highly regarded in his time for his contributions to the genre of operetta.

Szirmai’s compositions were popular in Hungary, and he became a major figure in the operetta scene in Vienna. He wrote his first operetta, "A király csókjai" (The King's Kisses), in 1910, which was a great success and was performed internationally. Some of his other operettas include "Miska the Magnate" (1916), "The Merry Mob" (1920), and "Circus Princess" (1926). He also wrote the basic scores for two musical plays.

After World War II , Szirmai immigrated to the United States, where he continued his career in music and wrote several more operettas. In addition to his work in operetta, Szirmai also wrote music for films. He was a prolific composer throughout his lifetime, and his music continues to be performed and enjoyed today.

Overall, Albert Szirmai was an accomplished composer and writer who contributed greatly to the genre of operetta, both in Hungary and internationally. He left a lasting legacy in the world of music, and his work continues to be appreciated by audiences around the world.

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