Home Terms circa


Meaning of "circa" in music

In the context of music, the term "circa" is used to indicate an approximate date or time period. It is derived from the Latin word meaning "around" or "approximately". When "circa" is used in relation to music, it typically refers to the time period in which a particular piece of music was composed or performed. For example, if a piece of music is labeled as "circa 1800," it means that it was composed or performed around the year 1800, but the exact date may not be known.

The use of "circa" in music helps provide a general sense of when a piece of music was created or popularized, especially when the exact date is uncertain or not well-documented. It allows musicians, historians, and music enthusiasts to understand the historical context and influences that may have shaped a particular composition or musical style.

**Note:** The term "circa" is not exclusive to music and can be used in various other fields to indicate an approximate date or time period.

1. A term that means about, around or approximately. It is most commonly used in approximate dates. It is usually abbreviated with the letters ca. For example, "ca. 1800 CE" would indicate that the approximate date is 1800 in the Common Era.

2. A term used to indicate tempo in metronome markings. So, "ca.=66" would indicate that the tempo should be "around" 66 beats per minute. This is a slow tempo in the range of adagio, lento or larghetto.

In addition, you can familiarize yourself with the terms:

  • [Abbreviation] Ca.

Popular questions related to circa

about or approximately The c. stands for circa which means about or approximately. You may also see it as ca. Pretty much it means means that you should play the piece around a tempo of 108 bpm. You could play it a little faster or slower the 108 it just to get you in the range of where the composer would want you to play it.

: at approximately, in approximately, or of approximately. used especially with dates. born circa 1600.

Circa is a Latin word meaning 'around, approximately'. Circa or CIRCA may also refer to: CIRCA (art platform), art platform based in London.

Circa? Often dates will be preceded with a "c." or a "ca." These are abbreviations of the Latin word "circa" which means around, or approximately. We use this before a date to indicate that we do not know exactly when something happened, so c. 400 B.C.E.

The "circa" symbol, which is represented by a small letter "c" inside a circle (Ⓒ), is used to indicate that a particular year or date is approximate or an estimate. It is often used when referring to historical dates, events, or when the exact year is not known.

Circa? Often dates will be preceded with a "c." or a "ca." These are abbreviations of the Latin word "circa" which means around, or approximately. We use this before a date to indicate that we do not know exactly when something happened, so c. 400 B.C.E.

On this page you'll find 11 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to circa, such as: about, around, close on, in the region of, near, and nearby.

c. (circa) means “around” or “near”. (It is used when giving an approximation, usually for a date, and is never followed by a comma.

Meaning of circa in English (used especially with years) approximately: He was born circa 1600. approx.

"Circa Resort & Casino was built around adult-focused destination amenities, and a 21-and-older spot amplifies the guest experience," a resort official said. "Since our pool amphitheater and sports book were already 21-and-older, we started to consider the benefits of expanding throughout the property."

You don't see it done that way. Most often circa is for dates (where the other dates around the given one exist.. ). But for an amount, you give an approximation.

c. or ca. - Abbreviations for circa, meaning about; approximately. Also a common abbreviation for canvas, "oil on canvas" being abbreviated o/c.

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