Home Terms brevis


Meaning of "Brevis" in Music

In music, the term "brevis" refers to a specific note value that represents a duration of time. The brevis is also known as a double whole note or breve. It lasts two times as long as a whole note or semibreve, making it the second-longest note value still in use in modern music notation. The brevis takes its name from the Latin word "brevis," which means "brief" or "short". In medieval mensural notation, the brevis was one of the shortest note lengths in use, hence its name. It is important to note that the brevis is not as commonly used in contemporary music as other note values, but it can still be found in certain musical compositions.

Latin for short. At the begining of mensural notation in the 13th century, the brevis (or breve) was the indication for the short note value as opposed to the longa, the indication for long note value.

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short a Latin word meaning "short", used in the names of muscles.

"shortness," especially in speech or writing, c. 1500, from Latin brevitatem (nominative brevitas) "shortness" in space or time, from brevis "short" (from PIE root *mregh-u- "short").

Examples of brevis It could not, in law, be anything more, if done under the furor brevis of passion. The m. flexor hallucis brevis, on the contrary, is larger than in the other birds, compensating, probably, for the small m.

art is long, life is short Latin phrase ars lon·​ga, vi·​ta bre·​vis ärs-ˈlȯŋ-ˌgä ˌwē-ˌtä-ˈbre-wis. : art is long, life is short : learning one's craft takes so long that a lifetime may not be adequate. also : works of art may outlive their creators.

And the next word is brevis, breve, meaning “short, small, brief.” It's a third-declension adjective which means it is by nature i-stem. Also, it's two-termination, meaning brevis represents both the masculine and feminine nominative singular, and breve the neuter.

The second word in these two muscle names refers to the size of the muscle. The word brevis is a Latin word meaning short and the word longus is a Latin word meaning long. So, you could put the words together to get an understanding of the size and action of each muscle.

Examples of brevis It could not, in law, be anything more, if done under the furor brevis of passion. The m. flexor hallucis brevis, on the contrary, is larger than in the other birds, compensating, probably, for the small m.

Vita Brevis Language is a language bureau specializing in the translation, proofreading, editing and copywriting of all major European, African and Asian languages.

Antonyms. (distance, time): longus.

And here's an adjective, brevis, fully declined as a comparative adjective: brevior, brevius; brevioris, breviori, breviorem, brevius, breviore; and in the plural, breviores, breviora; breviorum, brevioribus, breviores, breviora, brevioribus.

Peroneus Brevis (also known as Fibularis Brevis) is a short muscle that lies in the lateral part of the lower leg deep to the Fibularis Longus. It is one of the three ankle everters known as the fibularis muscles (Fibularis Longus, Fibularis Brevis and Fibularis Tertius).

The fibularis brevis is a muscle in the lateral compartment of the leg. It is located deep to the fibularis longus. Attachments: Originates from the inferolateral surface of the fibular shaft.

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