Home Terms Vv.


An abbreviation for violins.

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Popular questions related to Vv.

The V of IV is a secondary dominant chord. It is a chord with notes that don't normally belong in the key. The interesting thing about the V of IV is that a simple major triad cannot express the V of IV. That's because the root of the V of IV is also the root of the key.

The expression "V of ii" (aka V/ii) is used to describe some chords with non-diatonic pitches, specifically when that chord resolves to a diatonic chord a perfect fourth up from it. Chords that do this are known as secondary dominant chords.

The v chord, when derived from the notes of the natural minor scale, falls as a minor triad or minor 7th chord. For example, in the key of A Minor the chord built on the fifth of the scale is an Em (E G B) or Em7 (E G B D). The notes in these chords all come from the A natural minor scale.

The answer is A7, the V chord in the key of D. So we would say that the Secondary Dominant of the (ii) Dminor is A7. This would be written as V/ii or said "the five of two".

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Because the I chord is a fifth above the IV, we can also call this a V of IV (V/IV). To really give that I chord a DOMINANT feel, we have added the m7 to the D major chord below. When we add the 7th to a I chord, it is typically a MAJOR 7 (M7) chord.

Answer: The V above a note will normally mean "upbow" for a string player. But if it's upside down or under the note it could be a percussive accent (notice that the V as an accent has one side a little heavier than the other).

The I, IV, and V chords are the three most used chords in each major key. Aloud you would call them, “The one, four, and five chords.” The I chord is built on the first note of the key. The IV chord is built on the fourth note of the key. And, the V chord is built on the fifth note of the key.

Keep the hand shape that you already have and just move each of your fingers (thumb, middle, and pinky) up a whole step (or one white key). You'll end up with your thumb on D, your middle finger on G, and your pinky on B. In C major solfege, this is RE – SO – TI. That's the G chord, our V!

If two chords intersect in a circle , then the products of the measures of the segments of the chords are equal. In the circle, the two chords ¯AC and ¯BD intersect at point E . So, AE⋅EC=DE⋅EB .

G – Am – A7 – D7 A7 is the V of D7 (“five of five”). This is one of the most common secondary dominant chords you will find. This progression also contains chromatic movement between the chord tones. One chromatic path is: B - C - C# - D.

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