Home Terms sull'


See Sul.

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Qualifier to musical directives meaning "at" or "over" or "on the" or "near the". This is used in terms such as Sul Tasto - "at the fingerboard"; Sul Ponticello - "at the bridge"; sulla corda La - "on the A string"; Sul G - "on the G string"; and sulla tastiera - "at the fingerboard".

sul pon·​ti·​cel·​lo. ˌsülˌpäntəˈche(ˌ)lō : with the bow kept near the bridge so as to bring out the higher harmonics and thereby produce a nasal tone.

Sul D (or III, the third string on the violin), Sul A (or II, the second string on the violin) and sul E (or I, the first string on the violin) also mean to play the notes on the single string indicated.

an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color. the tones or sounds employed, occurring in single line (melody) or multiple lines (harmony), and sounded or to be sounded by one or more voices or instruments, or both.

violins The "sul G playing" on violins is very often used in the standard literature of famous composers and is a very typical effect.

On a solo instrument, Sul Ponticello can sound scratchy and unpleasant, but in a whole section the effect is of a blending of sounds, resulting in an eerie and uncomfortable feel – which may well be what is required!

Sul Ponticello is just Italian for “on the” (Sul) “bridge” (ponticello). Ponticello is an effect that is most often used in orchestral music to show danger or mystery. It colors the sound in such a way that it conveys a sense of coldness or starkness.

The quick answer is that the same note played on the G string will be less bright than the same note played on D or A string, and when the music asks for that darker color, it asks for sul G.

Translated as 'on the touch', the Italian term 'Sul Tasto' requires the player to make a very particular sound by playing with the bow over the end of the finger board.

So next time you are listening to a piece of music, try to separate out the parts and listen to how each of the Elements of Music are being used. Listen for the Dynamics, Form, Harmony, Melody, Rhythm, Texture, Timbre and Tonality. You might even want to start keeping a listening journal of the music you hear.

It's a powerful thing that can bring people together, create memories, and evoke emotions. It's a universal language that can speak to the soul, regardless of where you're from or what your background is.

The highest notes that I have played sul G are G5 in Ravel's Tzigane and B5 in Wieniawski's Concerto No. 2, a natural harmonic. It is possible, but not recommended to go much higher.

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