Home Terms stromenti d'ottoni

stromenti d'ottoni

Meaning of Stromenti d'ottoni in Music

In music, **stromenti d'ottoni** is an Italian term that translates to "brass instruments" in English It refers to a category of musical instruments that are made of metal, such as the trombone or trumpet These instruments produce sound through the vibration of the player's lips against a cup-shaped mouthpiece, which creates a buzzing sound that is amplified by the instrument's tubing Brass instruments are known for their bright and powerful sound and are commonly used in various genres of music, including classical, jazz, and marching bands.

Italian term for brass instruments.

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Popular questions related to stromenti d'ottoni

noun plural. brass [noun] (music) wind musical instruments which are made of brass or other metal.

Stentato or stentando (the past participle and gerund of the Italian verb stentare "to find it hard to do something, to have difficulty doing something") is a musical expression which means "labored, heavy, in a dragging manner, sluggish", or "strong and forced".

[Italian] A directive to a musician to perform the indicated passage of a composition in a proud, haughty, or noble manner.

Clear; ringing; sounding skwee-LAHN-te [Italian] Clear; ringing; sounding.

allegro: a fast tempo. alto: a low-ranged female voice; the second lowest instrumental range. andante: moderate tempo (a walking speed; "Andare" means to walk) aria: a beautiful manner of solo singing, accompanied by orchestra, with a steady metrical beat.

an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color. the tones or sounds employed, occurring in single line (melody) or multiple lines (harmony), and sounded or to be sounded by one or more voices or instruments, or both.

A stent is a small mesh tube typically used to hold open passages in the body, such as weak or narrowed arteries. Stents are often used to treat narrowed coronary arteries that provide the heart with oxygen-rich blood.

But most of the etymologists believe that the word stent in medicine originated from dentistry and acknowledge the contribution of Charles Thomas Stent, a London dentist for the development of the malleable plastic dental compound known as Stent's mass and is the current acceptable origin of the word in clinical ...

: played with a sudden increase of force. used as a direction in music usually for special emphasis of a note, chord, or short phrase.

Dolmetsch.com defines Marcato as Italian for marked, accented, stressed; when applied to a melody, it indicates that it should be given prominence. In German, it is "markiert" and in French, it is "marqué".

The glissando is indicated by following the initial note with a line, sometimes wavy, in the desired direction, often accompanied by the abbreviation gliss.. Occasionally, the desired notes are notated in the standard method (i.e. semiquavers) accompanied by the word 'glissando'.

A breve is a musical note which lasts 8 beats. It has twice the value of the semibreve (4 beats). It is the longest single note value. In the American terminology it is known as a double whole note.

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