Home Terms stretto


  1. In a fugue, that situation in which the subject and answer overlap one another, or when two subjects enter in close succession.
  2. Term sometimes used to indicate a quickening of tempo.

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: a concluding passage performed in a quicker tempo.

The term stretto comes from the Italian past participle of stringere, and means "narrow", "tight", or "close". It applies in a close succession of statements of the subject in a fugue, especially in the final section.

Stretto occurs when entries of subject and answer overlap each other, the second beginning before the first is finished. A close stretto is one in which the overlapping is considerable. Augmentation of the subject means statement of it in notes of greater value, usually double.

Stretto refers to a section of a fugue where subject entries overlap, the second beginning before the first has completed. The first fugue from Bach's Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1, No.

The International Stretto Piano Festival and Stretto Piano Concerts are a new and unique concert phenomena featuring international pianists playing exclusively on “Stretto” Pianos, which have narrower keys than the conventional piano.

Outdoor performance on the Edge Stretto remains strong, with Smooth Ride Suspension cushioning your ride, and powerful motors capable of up to 6 mph.

narrowed In measure 16, Chopin writes the word stretto, which means narrowed, indicating that the tempo should push forward toward the climax. From measure 18 to the end, pace the calming of the emotion through continual diminuendo and ritardando.

How to use stretto in a sentence. The first and last quartet end with a thoroughly worked-out fugue, complete with stretto and inversions.

False stretto is formed by the theme and the thematic fragment. closely in each different voice in the case that stretto cannot consist of by.

There are actually two kinds of stretti: a) the real or canonic stretto where the subject goes on in full while the answer is sounding; b) and the false stretto where the subject is continued in free counterpoint right after the entry of the answer. You can compose a false stretto with any subject you create.

stretto (It) tight molto legato e stretto – very legato and tight. Keep a tight beat.

Translation of "molto legato" in English. Adjective Adverb. very close. closely linked. strongly attached.

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