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Meaning of "più" in Music

In music, the term "più" is an Italian word that means "more" or "increased." It is often used as a prefix in combination with other musical terms to indicate an increase in a specific musical element or effect. For example:

- **Più allegro**: More lively or faster tempo.- **Più mosso**: More movement or faster tempo.- **Più lento**: More slowly or slower tempo.- **Più agitato**: More agitated or with increased agitation.

The use of "più" in music allows composers and performers to convey specific instructions for the desired musical interpretation and expression. It helps to communicate the desired intensity, speed, or character of a musical passage.

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Italian term for more. Typically used to modify tempo markings as in "più mosso" meaning "more motion."

See more about tempo terminology in the Appendix.

In addition, you can familiarize yourself with the terms:

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more Più (Italian: 'more'). A term that can preface an instruction to mean 'more of'. 'Più vivo', meaning 'more lively', or 'Più lento', more slow.

PIU means the project implementation unit established in the Project Implementing Entity pursuant to the provisions of Section I.A.

quieter più p, standing for più piano and meaning "quieter". più f, standing for più forte and meaning "louder".

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1) It's a shortened term for puteo, which is Latin for "to stink, be redolent, or smell bad." I actually called a professor of Latin at the University of Florida to verify this one. 2) It's actually spelled "piu," but is often pronounced as "pee-yew". It's root is the Indo-European word "pu," meaning to rot or decay.

In più is a noun phrase that means “more” or “in addition,” and it is used to indicate that something is added to an existing quantity. The phrase can be used to refer to both tangible and intangible things. For example: Vorrei una bottiglia d'acqua in più – I would like one more bottle of water.

Poco piu . . . . . . . A little faster.

very soft : very soft : as soft as possible. used as a direction in music.

Programmed Input/Output (PIO) is a way of moving data between device s in a computer in which all data must pass through the processor . The Advanced Technology Attachment / Integrated Drive Electronics standard specifies three PIO data transfer rates (mode 0 at 3.3 MBps, mode 1 at 5.2 MBps, and mode 2 at 8.3 MBps).

Flexible: Can adjust plans and priorities as the situation requires. Able to perform under pressure: Can meet the demands of the situation without losing his or her cool and without sacrificing good decision making; has good public-speaking skills.

Programmed Investigation Unit (PIU) | King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.

little by little [French, little, small] French term for little. Typically used to modify tempo markings as in "peu à peu" meaning "little by little."

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