Home Terms pausas de redonda

pausas de redonda

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Fermata is the Italian name for the sign (𝄐), which in English is commonly called a Pause, and signifies that the note over which it is placed should be held on beyond its natural duration. It is sometimes put over a bar or double bar, in which case it intimates a short interval of silence.

Lent – slowly. Moins – less, as in Moins vite (less fast) Modéré – at a moderate tempo.

par-TIH-shun. [French] The entirety of the instrumental and vocal parts of a composition in written form, placed together on a page in staves placed one below the other.

sweetly [Italian, sweetly] A directive to musicians to perform the indicated passage of a composition sweetly, softly, or with tender emotion.

A pause, in musical terms, is a symbol above a note or rest signifying for it to be longer than its written value.

G.P. (General Pause) or L.P. (Long Pause) As indicated in the name, these are intended to be pauses of longer duration than any of the others. These marks are always shown over rests. They also interrupt the normal tempo of a composition.

Some United Methodist churches refrain from singing "alleluia," "hallelujah" and/or "gloria" during Lent. This practice, sometimes called "Burying the Alleluia," is a way of recognizing the solemnity of the season and anticipating the glorious praise to be sung in celebration of Jesus' Resurrection on Easter Sunday!

Lent is a period of grief that necessarily ends with a great celebration of Easter. Thus, it is known in Eastern Orthodox circles as the season of "bright sadness" (Greek: χαρμολύπη, romanized: charmolypê).

For any non-empty proper subset A of a set U, the set A together with its complement form a partition of U, namely, { A, U ∖ A }. The set {1, 2, 3} has these five partitions (one partition per item): { {1}, {2}, {3} }, sometimes written 1 | 2 | 3. { {1, 2}, {3} }, or 1 2 | 3.

A partition is a logical division of a hard disk that is treated as a separate unit by operating systems (OSes) and file systems. The OSes and file systems can manage information on each partition as if it were a distinct hard drive.

all or together Article Talk. Tutti is an Italian word literally meaning all or together and is used as a musical term, for the whole orchestra as opposed to the soloist. It is applied similarly to choral music, where the whole section or choir is called to sing.

Crescendo: Get louder. Decrescendo: Get softer. Diminuendo: Get softer. Forte: Play loudly. Fortissimo: Play very loudly.

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